I changed my smartphone. What do I need to do to make sure Monimoto works?

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If you have your old phone with Monimoto app installed - follow these steps:

Go to device settings and choose 'Unpair.' This action will unpair the device from your old phone and reset it to default parameters (For iPhone users - additionally go to Bluetooth Settings and check if there is no paired device with a name that starts with mm.XXXXXXXXX. If there is one - unpair it.).


Now pair Monimoto with your new phone as you did when you first bought it. 

If you do not have your old phone or don't have access to it and you have MM1/MM2/MM5/MM6:
1. Install Monimoto app on your new phone.

2. Log into the app with your phone number and all of your devices should re-appear in the Monimoto app. You will be able to get Alarms and control your Monimoto as you were used to, except that you will not be able to connect to it via Bluetooth to configure settings. This is a limited "Cloud" version. 



3. For full functionality, you will need to delete your device.  

Tap on app Home screen upper left menu.

Android users have to long tap on device and delete it. 

iOS users need to swipe left and delete device.

4. Restore Default Parameters on your Monimoto with a USB cable by connecting it to a computer  or phone charger (MM1/MM2) or pressing the small button next to the SIM card (for MM5/MM6) and then pair it with your new phone as you did when you first bought it.

If you do not have your old phone and have changed your phone number:
If you have changed your phone number and have lost access to your old account, let us know and be ready to prove that the device belongs to you. We will be able to remove the device from an old account, so that you could pair it with your new account. You will have to restore the Monimoto to the default parameters, as described here and will now be able to pair it with the new account.

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